Trello Blog Processes Blueprint
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Most bloggers struggle figuring out what their next step is. At WhatMomsMake I've created a blueprint that helps bloggers streamline their own blog processes. When you have a blueprint you stop wasting time being stuck & get hours back to grow your business.
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A quick reminder of what's included!
- Blog Post Workflow: learn how to create a workflow for all of your Blog Posts in Trello
- Promotion Workflow: Never skip a step with promoting. Know which steps to do in order so that your content gets maximum eyes on it
- Create your Pinterest Workflow: Create a checklist that is personalized to your own Pinterest Strategy
- Create your SEO checklist: Stop guessing the steps and create your own checklist to make sure your post ranks.
- Create your monthly email process: Plan out your monthly emails in Trello!
- BONUS: A Trello board that includes ALL the processes
- Total payment
- 1xTrello Blog Processes Blueprint$67-+
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Today's payment
- Trello Blog Processes Blueprint$0
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Future payments
- $67
- Discount$0
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Future amount
$0 - Today's payment:
$0 - Today's payment
All prices in USD